Medieval Herbal
bw photos
More from LJS 278, this time a selection of animals. The one on the bottom here has antlers of majes
Illustrations of plants from LJS 278, Kitāb-i ḥashāʼish (a translation of De Materia Medica), an
discardingimages:mandrake Herbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 56v
mandrakeherbal, England or France, ca. 1190British Library, Sloane 1975, fol. 49r
bistort (Polygonum bistorta, also called adderwort, dragonwort or snakeweed with roots in the form o
blue rootherbal, Italy 15th centuryPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscr
discardingimages:mandragora femineaherbal (Pseudo-Dioscorides, De herbis femininis), England or Fran
innercurtain:Codex Sloane 4016 is a 15th century Italian parchment manuscript belonging to a class o
oddishherbal, Italy 15th centuryPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscript
mandragora femineaherbal (Pseudo-Dioscorides, De herbis femininis), England or France, ca. 1190BL, S
lionHistoria Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 140v
mandragoraTacuinum sanitatis, Rhineland 15th centuryBnF, Latin 9333, fol. 37r
mandrake Herbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 56v
webHerbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 6r
hedgehogHistoria Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 97r
Medieval Cannabis, from a 12th-century medical and herbal collection
Herbal tea
Herbal from Northern Italy (15 c.)
Codex Bellunensis, 1400
Herbal tea
Of all the mandrake-like plants in the herbal section of LJS 46, this one on fol. 2v is one of the m
discardingimages: blue root herbal, Italy 15th century Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rar
discardingimages: mandrake herbal, England or France, ca. 1190 British Library, Sloane 1975, fol. 49
Codex Bellunensis, 1400
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