Medieval Astronomy
jjba jolyne
darina sheremet
nocturlabium:“In the year 1558 Julius Caesar Luchino of Bologna arranged to have this astrolabe made
605th anniversary of Prague astronomical clockInstalled in 1410, it is the third-oldest astronomical
Medieval astronomy instruments are so cool looking. Another one of those things I feel like I need t
Detail of a miniature of the dragon constellation (‘Draco’), in tables from Ptolemy&rsqu
medieval:From a treatise on astronomy and navigation.1450-1500, Italian (via)
‘The Chaucer Astrolabe’On display at the British MuseumDating to 1326 and of English origin, this is
medievalpoc:Marcus Tullius Cicero, Aratea (Harley MS 647, ff 2v-17v)22 constellation figures contain
Today in History, February 27th, 837 AD Halley’s comet makes it 15th recorded passage over the
constellation Vultur CadensFazio degli Uberti, II Dittamondo, Milan ca. 1447BnF, Italien 81, fol. 17
Tabula stellarum fixarum, ca. 1425MS Typ 43Houghton Library, Harvard University
astronomersBartholomeus Anglicus, ‘Livre des propriétés des choses’ (‘De proprietatibus rerum’, Fren
medieval:From a treatise on astronomy and navigation.1450-1500, Italian (via)
Little BearʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿUmar al-Ṣūfī, Kitāb ṣuwar al-kawākib al-ṯābita, Samarkand ca. 1430-14
Pegasus constellationSufi Latinus (Latin translation of ‘Kitāb al-kawākib al-thābita’ of ‘Abd al-Rah
Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi’s Manuscript on Astronomy [d. 886 CE]
medievalpoc:Marcus Tullius Cicero, Aratea (Harley MS 647, ff 2v-17v)22 constellation figures contain
design-is-fine:Johannes Praetorius, Torquetum, 1568. Nuremberg. Germanisches Nationalmuseu
astronomer foxAlmagest, Paris ca. 1309-1316BL, Burney 275, fol. 390v
Astronomical diagram accompanying Bede’s De Temporibus.14th c., MS I.15 f.144r (via)
Detail of a miniature of the dragon constellation (‘Draco’), in tables from Ptol
Detail of a miniature of God creating the sun and moon. From “Guyart des Moulins, Bible h
Johannes de Sacrobosco – Scientist of the DayJohannes de Sacrobosco, an English cleric, astron
‘The Chaucer Astrolabe’On display at the British MuseumDating to 1326 and of English ori
Still love this
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