Medieval Astrology
Illustration from “Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme furent acheuees le xvii. iour de Auril. L
‘The Chaucer Astrolabe’On display at the British MuseumDating to 1326 and of English origin, this is
Catholic Church. Book of Hours. Heures de Nôtre Dame (use of Troyes and Sens) : manuscript, [ca. 147
constellation Vultur CadensFazio degli Uberti, II Dittamondo, Milan ca. 1447BnF, Italien 81, fol. 17
It’s Capricorn season! The “sea goats” born in Capricorn are often described as responsible, organiz
Tabula stellarum fixarum, ca. 1425MS Typ 43Houghton Library, Harvard University
astronomersBartholomeus Anglicus, ‘Livre des propriétés des choses’ (‘De proprietatibus rerum’, Fren
Little BearʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿUmar al-Ṣūfī, Kitāb ṣuwar al-kawākib al-ṯābita, Samarkand ca. 1430-14
Pegasus constellationSufi Latinus (Latin translation of ‘Kitāb al-kawākib al-thābita’ of ‘Abd al-Rah
Gemini‘Oscott Psalter’, England ca. 1265-1270British Library, Add 50000, fol. 3r
A border vignette representing #saggitarius from the #illuminated #calendar of a #bookofhours made i
Zodiac sign of CAPRICORN in a 9th century manuscript on Flickr. The zodiac sign of CAPRICORN is asso
Zodiac sign of CAPRICORN in a 14th century manucript on Flickr. The zodiac sign of CAPRICORN is asso
Zodiac sign of CAPRICORN in a 15th century manuscript on Flickr. The zodiac sign of CAPRICORN is ass
Illustration from “Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme furent acheuees le xvii. iour
Detail of a miniature of God creating the sun and moon. From “Guyart des Moulins, Bible h
‘The Chaucer Astrolabe’On display at the British MuseumDating to 1326 and of English ori
It’s Capricorn season! The “sea goats” born in Capricorn are often described as re
Today’s #MicroMondays is a close-up of the water carrier in the Aquarius illustration in t
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