Matthew Quotes
pancake cookie
“I don’t want to be loved very much. I just want to be loved.” - Michael Pitt as Matthew in Th
Less than a month till Christmas!
“Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.” ~ Chandler Bing
When you don’t live at home anymore.
\o/ kurt-santana: julescobb: The pilot episode of comedy series Friends premiered on NBC on Septem
padawanlost:✩ star wars gif meme ✩ [2/8] quotes: “Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After t
thewolstenbeast: to-my-yeah-yeah: remember when the epic saga
The 25 Most Influental People in Rock: Matthew Bellamy DID YOU KNOW: Matt’s first musi
microfucks: I’m just trying to …
bellamysbutt: them’s fightin’ words cap’n
tomtrollkirk: remember when…
Matthew 6:6But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your
cleowho:“Isn’t that what one does?”Kinda - season 19 - 1982
Spooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat
Special: Oscars nominations! Best picture “12 Years a Slave" "Amer
Blackout - Muse
The 2nd Law lyrics(inspired by [x])
Matt: “After the seaside tour is over, me and Dom are going to train as Punch and Judy sho
“You are a natural disaster, and I’ve wanted you too much, and now I’m
Dom: “He (Matt) said that he’s seriously sunburnt - he’s been in the P
Matt: “You know when you develop a kind of a, what do you call it? A closeness with a pers
“If I feel something that excites me and thrills me, I don’t want to keep it for me
“I’m not a dark person. I’m the sunshine of your life.” 
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