saint arnold
“Everything’s ready for your Procedure…”
you can wear what you want when you relax at homebut you will Complywith the mandate
Non-medical-grade-homemade-cloth-reusable masked crows, acrylic painting on cardboard
time to do some laundry
that’s strange…she remembers only one Bunbut now there are two…I guess t
yesover your mouthand your nosethat’s better isn’t it?more protectionmore Compliantnow y
anotherMask Mondayfollow the protocolobey the Mandateconform and complythis is yournew normal
travelling over the Holidays?don’t forget your Mask
yesit’s okayyou don’t have totake it off
even on the beachyou must be safe andprotectedwear your maskand your Pearlyhose
and wear your Mask…
nothing else mattersexcept for the Maskwear your MaskObey your Maskyour Mask will Protect youyour Ma
“It’s easy, just focus on my Eyes…!”
you present a prim and proper facade to the world*but*the Maskreveals your true inner self
no need to worry…everything is okay nowyou have found your placewhere you belongand where
These young people today, they keep going around saying the phrase ‘balls deep’ to
she never thoughtshe’d be in her own room kneelingMaskedwearing thisoutfitwatching the sc
there is no ‘I’ in teambut there is an ‘I’ in Complianceand two&nb
“You seem really distracted…is it my necklace, or my Mask?”
why notindulge in a treatyou deserve itdon’t you?you mask wearing mandate follower, you
there are certain……rewards…for Compliance
well…that’s not wrong
you’re just another brick in the wall
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