Marco Hayek
ch wenn
imperator crew
ch meden
ch emperor
full crew
Product Shot Render with Maya and VRay by Marco Hayek
Max & Vray / Interior Test - Scenes 2
Box Connector / D.O.V.A - 2.1 Modelliert in Max & Maya, gerendert in KeyShot.
Box Connector / D.O.V.A - 2.1 Modelliert in Max & Maya, gerendert in KeyShot.
Inspired by Joris Wegner.Modeling in Maya / Rendering in KeyShot
Box Connector / D.O.V.A - 2.1 Modelliert in Max & Maya, gerendert in KeyShot.
Modeling in Maya / Rendering in KeyShot
marcoszks: Salma Hayek casting Polaroid from the 90s
Alpha Detector - WIP Day1
Concept Painting… Mask Study
Concept Painting Study
Study Painting No.149
Thumb Sketching
SUIOZAGRID : ConceptCharacter
12SHOTS.STUDIO of Marco Hayek : coming soon
Art & Concept Painting
Art & Concept Painting
the seventh son
Product Shot Render with Maya and VRay by Marco Hayek
COMING SOON ! My MECHA KITBASHING ASSETS with more than 150 Assets for free.
12SHOTS.STUDIO of Marco Hayek : coming soon
I myself … and my motto… ;-)
We see nothing more…Software used: Autodesk Maya, Arnold Renderer and Photoshop
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