bicolour parrotfish
karl grove
blogbirdfeather:Lichens on rock - Líquenes em rocha (Umbilicaria sp, Ramalina sp, Lasallia pustulata
wapiti3:lichenscapesclick images for descriptionssource-british lichens
Hyperphyscia syncollaSmooth shadow-crust lichenSometimes, y’all. Lichenology is weird. Like, I am re
wapiti3:THE SLOWER YOU GO THE BIGGER YOUR WORLD GETS!moss, lichens and mushroomsroad trip oct. 2016m
Christian Friedrich Gille (1805 - 1899)Winds on deadwood with lichens
1 PM MST on February 12th! Come watch me talk about lichen evolution! bit.ly/3rgqa2w
Lichens tree branch by Dephetto on Flickr.
Peltigera malaceaMat felt lichenPeltigera lichens, commonly called dog lichens or felt lichens, vary
lichenaday:Aspicilia cupreaimages: source | sourceAspicilia cuprea didn’t get a fair shake with my f
Lobaria raveneliiThis gorgeous foliose lichen can be found growing on mossy rocks and wood in open w
microcosmicobservations:The local graveyard is such a good place to look for lichens.Facebook | YouT
Haunted forests of Dartmoor National Park in Devon, England (by Duncan George).
Lichens by anna.night on Flickr.
nemfrog:Mosses. Mosses and lichens. 1907
Some VERY GOOD lichens and a few bits of moss that I saw on the lake yesterday.
This unique native tree, ‘Ohi’a lehua (Metrosideros) was covered in lichens (Limu) at the edge of an
end0skeletal:The tufted pygmy squirrel is native to Borneo. Its diet consists mostly of lichens and
hugohunt:Lichen Clad [Portra 160]Now I know my bryophytes from my lichens I should recaption this ‘M
Xanthocarpia crenulatellaInevitably when I post a lichen like this, I will read comments/note where
Sphaerophorus venerabilisOldgrowth coral lichen, ancient coral lichenimages: source | source | sourc
Metus conglomeratusThis odd member of the cladoniaceae family is native to the southern hemisphere a
Gyalolechia subbracteataLooking for lichens is kinda like looking for Easter eggs. Since I am an adu
Vulpicida juniperina (syn. Vulpicida tilisii)Limestone sunshine lichen, yellow lichen, goldtwist lic
Nyungwea anguinellaLook, I can’t tell you exactly why every picture of N. anguinella looks, uh, comp
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