Latin People
anime gir
life-of-a-latin-student:I think some people in togas are plotting against me.
Plures Homines- Quos Vides in - Omnibus Conventionibus Inconcinnorumdorkly:More People You See At Ev
onestarbookreview:“it seems…that the gods had little else to do but rape people and then turn them i
thelastbacchae:A classicist’s hard life!We’re horrible people. ¬‿¬(the first one is dedicated to @ca
stickfiguregods:how I love nerd camp! (conventiculum.org)That is interesting. People who translate t
…Aequales mei in loca eunt dum ego hic in capsa sedeo…People my age are going places
Secutores meos amoQuia me quoque amantour-none-blr:lionsrandomtown:asksonic-shadow-and-rainbow-dash:
Douglas Tiepre Krahô (Chuva É Cantoria Na Aldeia dos Mortos, 2017)
thoodleoo:i love that greek has a word for people like meOptime!Versio Latina: cibidegus (cibus + de
LogicaNonnulli homines ea carentLogicSome people lack it
o-eheu:HicMema⬇⬇ Anacycliza ⬇⬇Bene.I find the recyclizare business strange. The people at Vicipaedia
irlronaldo:snake people, or sneople, control our government at the highest level~~~homines serpentin
Hominibus animi motus idonei sunt, non holeribus.Emotions are for people, not vegetables.
Portraits of Quoniambec and Montezuma.Thevet, André, 1502-1590. Les vrais povrtraits et vies des hom
interretialia:Multis e Gentibus ViresFrom Many Peoples Strength(Coat of arms of Saskatchewan.)
Hi homines Pervigilium Omnium Sanctorum recte agunt.otakupost:buzzfeed:These people are doin’ Hallow
interretialia:Disneyland ingens laqueus hominum estCui mus operaturDisneyland is a giant people trap
rocketuserboxes:this user loves helping people~~~hunc usorem homines adiuvare valde iuvat
Nomina episodiorum Latine scripta
Mille DucentiSecutores!Multas GratiasVobis Agito!1,200 Followers!Thank YouVery Much!
infinite-stormers:Stormer selfie friday ~ My chromosomes in sepia tonesExcuse my face, if your scree
victorvanvoorhees:“Golden Rule” (1961) by Norman Rockwell
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