Latin Manuscript
sharing bed
moots womble
vasilis avramidis
writing-system:Table of Runic Futhorcs,Latin Ciphers and Cryptic AlphabetsMS 17 folio 5vSt. John’sSo
self-circumcision of AbrahamHours of Louis de Laval, France ca. 1480BnF, Latin 920, fol. 56v
(Digital) manuscript humor. (University of Pennsylvania LJS 101, 9th century copy of Boethius’ Latin
Ms. Codex 1590 -[Antiphonary: use of Lyon]This gorgeous manuscript is a secular antiphonary for litu
anlagatglas:“Scandinavian ogham” (i.e. runes) from the Lebor Ogaim, a medieval Irish treatise on ogh
Ms. Codex 55 - Statuta communitatis Viglani edita per homines et communitatem dicti loci Viglani, di
LJS 285 - Decreto di banco feneratitioThis is a charter issued by the cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and th
spindle funLes Grandes Heures du duc de Berry, Paris 1409BnF, Latin 919, fol. 10r
Ms. Codex 4 - In universam Aristotelis Logicam quaestionesThis manuscript consists of questions abou
Theorica motuum… volvelle on Page 8 of LJS 64, a manuscript copy of Illustrations to Georg von Peurb
sawfish Brunetto Latini, Li Livres dou Tresor, France ca. 1315-1325.British Library, Yates Thompson
Ms. Codex 1223 - [Fragments of the Digests of Justinian, Book 37, Titles 7-9]This is a bifolium with
Ms. Codex 121, De divinatione mortis, et vitae Petosyris ad Necepsum Regem Aegypti Epistola On May 2
Ms. Codex 326 -Encyclopaedia historica et filosophica, latine et italiceThis manuscript features a h
Ms. Codex 766 -In physicam seu philosophiam na[tura]lem commentarius una cum quaestionibusHow’s your
This is an astronomical diagram from a 1739 French manuscript on Physics. It demonstrates the phases
These marginal illustrations were found in a 11th-century medical work. The manicule and strong-feat
LJS 477 - [Florilegium]This manuscript is a collection of sermons, probably compiled from multiple s
black holeHours of Louis de Laval, France c. 1480BnF, Latin 920, fol. 2v
Illustrations from “Hecyra" a comedic Latin play by the early Roman playwright Terence, 1
saintsHours of Louis de Laval, France ca. 1480BnF, Latin 920, fol. 180r
demotica:TAG YOURSELF ancient writing materials edition~~~TE PITTACIO SIGNA editio materiarum script
Ms. Codex 1079 - [Von den Tugenden] This manuscript features a treatise on the cultivation of virtue
Wycliffe, John, -1384. Sumula sumularum magistri Johanne Wyclif : manuscript, [between 1400 and 1425
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