Language Notes
ben cafferty
icons elliot
Living proof I have been working on my Latin! I wrote my notes for me and if they happen to help you
Getting to know: R language.follow me or @im_productive on insta for more content like this. ^^
MIJAZACINODOCAPUDICA BIBLIOTHECARIANodokaMiyazakiModest LibrarianTranslation Notes:Mijazaci Nodoca i
CAGURAZACAASUNABELLATRIX SAUCIATAKagurazakaAsunaWounded WarrioressTranslation Notes:Cagurazaca is si
r-programming: basic function & data typeinstagram: @im_productive
2020.12.18My notes vs my real handwritingI am 100% kinesthetic type of a learner. This is why I take
interretialia:icoulduseinsouciantmaybe:#i literally crack up everytime #at least ten of the notes ar
7/29/18french notes on le superlatif! there are so many rules of agreement and stuff with adjective
Can’t afford to enroll in a Korean language course? Don’t have time to attend Korean lan
interretialia:OCOUTIACIRASIREN VALIDAAkiraOkochiPowerful MermaidTranslation Notes:Ococi Acira is sim
greeedybastard:diggly:mamacastiel:why does this have 32k notes? it’s just a picture of a knife in a
[ monday | 01.01.2018 ]Happy New Year! 2018 has officially started and I’m currently working on my s
interretialia:JACOBUSRACANARMIGER MILLIPLEXJackRakanBearer of a Thousand WeaponsTranslation Notes:Ar
interretialia:IZUMIACOCULTRIX CUM TRAUMATEAkoIzumiCaretaker with a WoundTranslation Notes:Izumi Aco
interretialia:ALBIREOIMMABIBLIOTHECARIUS IRONICUSAlbireoImmaIronical LibrarianTranslation Notes:Bibl
interretialia:TIAOLINSIENPOLYMATHES UNIVERSALISChaoLingshenUniversal PolymathTranslation Notes:Tiao
interretialia:JOTUBASATUCICOQUA FABULOSAYotsubaSatsukiFabled CookTranslation Notes:Jotuba Satuci is
interretialia:AISACASAJOUMBRA INVISIBILISSayoAisakaInvisible GhostTranslation Notes:Aisaca Sajo is s
interretialia:CACIZACIMISAHILARATRIX ACCENSAMisaKakizakiExcited CheerleaderTranslation Notes:Cacizac
interretialia:ACASIJUNASTRENUUS ARCARIUSYuunaAkashiEnergetic ShooterTranslation Notes:Acasi Juna is
interretialia:NABATIZURUSERVATRIX STELLARUMChizuruNabaGuardian of the StarsTranslation Notes:Tizuru
interretialia:MURACAMINATUMIACTRIX TIMIDANatsumiMurakamiTimid ActressTranslation Notes:Muracami Natu
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