Kyphaz Art
sun eater
trainer commission
pokemon commission
kyphaz:Kali ( @d4ybre4ker and Caidori - My half of an art trade with b1sphmr (Twitter)
Salomé (Solstrasza) doing her bit in cleaning up Uldum
Melwyn Duskstorm, commission for a friend ^-^
Varandral Stormcaller, commission for a Discord client \o/
Dal’shano and Koilee Kal’thoris, father- daughter dance.Commission for a twitter client
Commissions are open for the month of July! Commission info: Tinyurl.com/Kyphaz-ToS 
Remedyne, commission for a discord client ^-^
Imperial Guard Commissar, commission for a discord client ^-^
Vesper Bloodsorrow, commission for a Discord client
Druidess Mokorabi, gift for a dear friend ^-^
Vu’za, commission for a discord client :)
Ludo Drasahl, commission for a friend :D
Reiner Silverlight, commission for a twitter client! ^-^
Nakster Skullflayer, commission for a twitter client
Loren Sonnester, commission for a twitter client ^-^
My warden Aqueleya Nightmist and her mate, Naevaya Silvermist (Photo Study)
Deynsong, commission for a twitter client ^-^
Valstros, commission for @veiled-shadows ^-^
Kekhet and Sanura, Khapristrasza’s dragonsworn
Photo study with my warden, Aqueleya NightmistUncensored version in my patreon/related discord
Shulastrasz and Solstrasza, my friend’s and I’s Uldum-dwelling red dragons ^-^
Shaerah Shadegaze, commissions for @nixxiansnow <3
Little reference sheet for my warden, Aqueleya Nightmist ^-^
Rahlera Dotharl, commission for a discord client ^-^
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