Kyo Memes
jason farley-shaw
huffle reblog
Me tamquam si petroselinum sim aspicit.He’s looking at me like I’m parsley.(Fons Imaginis.)
interretialia:~~~Exspes es, Cioco.Gratias.
~~~Insula Ciosiae Est Versio Lesbi Insulae Monstrata in Avatar_________Mentem Meam Mutare Non Potes
Uno vitae meae tempore in quadragena esse velim.I’d like to be quarantined once in my life.(Fons Ima
Pelliculis quae viros solos habent non teneor.I’m not interested in movies with only men.(Fons Imagi
~~~Pro tribus hominibus edere possum.
~~~Non est opusPerturbari
Lycopersicum sum!I’m a tomato!(Fons Imaginis.)
~~~Odi… Sigismundum Freud odi.
~~~Ecquis tibi placet, Acaria?Ambae vos mihi placetis!Quid de te, Ciocuncula?Me ipsam amo!
bestofsubs:Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan: Millionaire Village (2017)MyAnimeList | AniDB~~~Vinco. Maizium
~~~Em, itaque… Nomen nostrum……turma “Monaca” erit.Intellego.Monaca (Medium)In m
kyouryn: When the FE Echoes squad brings back classic memes [twitter]
assorted utena memes from this year
Rengoku and little Tanjiro and Nezuko! This one took me foreverrrr and I lovee the way he came out!
An now: some memes, featuring a template from Kyou over on twitter.Eve is the best at fighters, no m
virize:If 18 or 20 palettes wasn’t enough, I present to you: my 100 Palette Challenge! This is
kyohikiisnotamused: seing so many catboy memes made me do this :^)
kkachi95:A pro gamer move
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