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koredzas:Jean Bourdichon (1459 - 1521) - The Archangel Michael
koredzas:Jan Matsys - Venus. 1561
koredzas:Antonio del Massaro - Pietà. 1505
koredzas:Giotto di Bondone - Saint Paul. 1290
koredzas:Giotto di Bondone - Saint Peter. 1290
koredzas:Domenico Beccafumi - Saint Agnes. Detail. 1507
koredzas:Baldassarre di Biagio - Madonna Enthroned with Child. 1480
koredzas:Joakim Skovgaard - Christ in the Realm of the Dead. 1891-1894
koredzas:Master I. A. M. of Zwolle - Allegory of the Transience of Life. 1480 - 1490
koredzas:Aelbrecht Bouts - Madonna and Child Enthroned. 1510
koredzas:Filippino Lippi - Tobias and the Angel. Derail. 1472 - 1482
koredzas:Alvise Vivarini - Saint Jerome Reading. 1476
koredzas:Joan Reixach - Saint Margaret. Detail.1456
koredzas:Hieronymus Bosch - Scenes from the Passion of Christ, Reverse of Painting “Saint John the E
koredzas:Carlo Crivelli - The Madonna of the Swallow. Detail. 1490
koredzas:Follower of Artus Wolffort (1581–1641) - The Trinity
koredzas:Master Jacobus - Saint Ursula. 1400
koredzas:Bernardino Luini (1485 - 1532) - Madonna of the Roses
koredzas:Baldassarre di Biagio - Madonna Enthroned with Child. Detail. 1480
koredzas:Matteo di Giovanni - The Assumption of the Virgin. Detail. 1474
koredzas:Pietro Befulco - Coronation of the Virgin Between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Jerome.
koredzas:Dosso Dossi (1486-1542) - The Three Ages of Man. Detail
koredzas:Circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder - The Nativity. Detail. 1520 - 1525
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