Jessica Torres
Suzanne Lynch landscape photog
vertebrate animal illustration
We’re dancing
Alle Connell and Jessica Torres by Brittany Fowlerfor The Revelist, 2017cutest picture ever
When you’re wondering what bae tastes like.Guys, I know some people will say that Calzona&rsqu
Don’t give up the ship guys! CalZona will still rise. They’ll find their way back. ❤️
They’re so adorable. Aren’t they?
ARIZONA vs PENNY. The face off!
Callie and Arizona at Izzie and Alex’s wedding
Niño DanzanteChilpancingo, GuerreroFoto: Jessica Torres
otps: “Friends are the family we choose.”
First “I love you” ❤️ “They say the bigger your investment, the bigger your return. But you have
10 Favorite | Episodes of The Forgotten007. 1x16 - Designer Jane
Callie to Arizona: “Now picture a baby. Doesn’t it just melt you?”
The best show of LGBT couples
ARIZONA vs PENNY. The face off!
Callie: I have a headache. I need coffee. Arizona: I have a cure for a headache that doesn’t i
Callie and Arizona at Izzie and Alex’s wedding
First “I love you” ❤️ “They say the bigger your investment, the big
Don’t give up the ship guys! CalZona will still rise. They’ll find their way back. ❤️
Callie to Arizona: “Now picture a baby. Doesn’t it just melt you?”
© sailorinthenorthstar’s Tumblr Maybe if Mark Sloan is still alive, Callie and Ar
Metodi di sopravvivenza all'astinenza da #GreysAnatomy… bit.ly/1y1MbEQ #calzona
Niño Danzante Chilpancingo, Guerrero Foto: Jessica Torres
“I love you”
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