Japanese Language
Shemales walking nude
Shemales walking
Additional Vocabulary Used:・日本 『にほん』ー Japan・中国 『ちゅうごく』ー China・歌 『うた』ー Song・イスラエル ー Israel・ボードゲーム ー B
こんにちは皆さん~!Because I could not find a decent youtube video to do it for me, I will personally tell yo
Going to attempt to start this blog up from zero starting with Hiragana and Katakana charts from tof
Well, it was a little more than three but anyway-I’d be surprised if any of you actually remember th
露 - ろ - ro - dew, 雨粒 - あまつぶ - amatsubu - raindrop, 雨 - あめ - ame - rain, 海 - うみ - umi - sea, 洋 - よう -
NEW Japanese Katakana workbook, with over 30 pages including puzzles, writing practice and flashcard
NEW Japanese Hiragana workbook, with over 30 pages including puzzles, writing practice and flashcard
Download them here ✨Chinese now available!!
Hello hello language learning friends, I’ve added a pack of 8 productivity pages so you can organise
Hey guys! I’ve just listed some N3 kanji worksheets! Includes pages for the readings and meanings, w
Hey guys! You may already know if you follow me on Instagram but I recently redid my Etsy store! I’l
R: ミキが友達からいつでも遊びに来ていいよ「ミキがともだちからいつでもあそびにきていいよ」“Because you’re my friend, come and hang out anytime”M
Clavus exstans percutiendus est.出る釘は打たれる。(Fons Imaginis.)
Facis ut cor meum palpitetYou make my kokoro go doki doki
freshhotyaois:kelekelo submittedBREG-SANかわいい! Bellule! χαριτωμένως!
interretialia:Id Tam Fulgidum EstHoc Faciendum Est, Quod Id NecoIt’s So ShinyI Must Murder It(N.B.:
Source: http://www.japaneseverbconjugator.com/VerbDetails.asp?JapaneseVerb=kaesu
The shit you find on imiwa.
M: 家についた!(遅い時間にLINEごめんね)ありがとう!また会おうね「 いえについた!(おそいじかんにLINEごめんね)ありがとう!またあおうね」“I’m back home! (Sorry fo
M: 電話で予約したけどしてなかったって「 でんわでよやくしたけどしてなかったって」“I made reservation by phone, but didn’t”M: バスの人が悪い「バスのひとが
M: バスの予約とれてなかったって電話がきた「バスのよやくとれてなかったってでんわがきた」“I got a call saying that I didn’t make a bus reservati
R: Only about 2 more months of school left!K: 早いねー 「 はやいねー」“That’s quick”悲しい? 「 かなしい?」“Are you sad?
R: I think a spider bit me… My finger is red and bigK: 大丈夫??「だいじょうぶ??」”Are you ok?”スパイダーウーマンに
K:うまい “Good”ふとい “Fat”おいしい “Delicious”R: What. Do people say that?K: Yeah!R: Do you know what UMA is
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