Japan Grammar
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japanese sculptor Yoshitoshi Kanemaki expressing jealous in Japanese depend on the context 妬む 「ねたむ」
japanesetest4you:Learn Japanese grammar point: あるいはThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s JLPT N2 Gramm
Learn Japanese grammar point: だけあってThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N2 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: べくもないThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N1 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: でもThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N4 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: ばよかったThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N3 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: ちっとも〜ないThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N2 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: べくThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N1 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: だすThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N4 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: ばかりかThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N3 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: ぶりにThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N2 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: べからざるThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N1 Grammar Ebook.
Learn Japanese grammar point: だけでThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s N4 Grammar Ebook.
nihongogogo:Basic Japanese Cheat Sheet [x]This is sized for A4 printing [x]
Learn Japanese grammar point: あいだThis is an excerpt from JTest4You’s JLPT N3 Grammar Ebook.
It’s all very well and good to reblog kanji sheets and vocab lists - but it’s useless without applic
IdeophonesIdeophones are a word class (part of speech) that occur independently in some languages, m
2019/01/31I should really not have to look at the date every time I write it.Kanji, grammar and voca
Positive Feelings in Japanese! PS: Sign up here to learn more about grammar, culture, pronunciation
Buying Tickets in Japanese! PS: Sign up here to learn more about grammar, culture, pronunciation and
Life Events in Japanese #1 P.S. Sign up here to learn more about grammar, culture, pronunciation and
JLPT N5 Grammar \(☆ω☆)/~のが上手です - ExpressionPhrase used to say someone is skilled at something.Meani
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