Italian Nude
anime festival
Studi di nudi femminili (10 works)Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879–1949)
lionofchaeronea:Venus, Ceres, and Juno, Giovanni da Udine, 1517
theartsyproject:Giacomo Grosso, Female Nude, 1896.
Nude in the mirror - Gaetano Bocchetti Italian, 1888-1990oil on canvas, 39 x 29 cm
The Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, attributed to the circle of Rosalba CarrieraIt
Boy Pulling a Thorn from His Foot by Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi (called Antico), after the antique
Nymph of Spring by Battista de Luteri, called Battista DossiItalian, 16th centuryoil on canvasState
Bacchus Transforming into Trees the Thracian Women Who Murdered Orpheus (and detail) by Battista Dos
Nudo femminile in giardinoLa modellaCarlo Passigli (Italian, 1881–1953)
OdalisqueCircle of Luigi Postiglione (Italian, 1812–1881)
Jupiter and Io by Correggioc. 1530oil on canvasKunsthistorisches Museum
Giovanni Battista TodeschiniOdalisque
Details from Il Tempo Fermato dalla Virtù (Time Is Stopped by the Glory of the Arts) by Antonio Bell
Monica Alvarez
Flora by Rosalba Carriera Italian, 1730pastel on paperUffizi Gallery
Bacchante with a Tambourine, or Allegory of Music by Rosalba CarrieraItalian, 1712oil on canvasBava
tierradentro:“The Death of Cleopatra”, 17th century, Benedetto Gennari.
huariqueje:Nude - Felice Casorati, 1960.Italian, 1886-1963engraving on linoleum , 46 x 31.4 cm.
arsantiquis:Reclining Naiad, Antonio Canova (details).
tubularrockets:Gioacchino Pagliei- The Naiads
Reclining Naiad by Antonio Canova and his studioItalian, 1819-1824marbleMetropolitan Museum of Art
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Adriana Volpe
Detail of Fortuna, after a model by Giambologna Italian, early 17th centurybronzeMetropolitan Museum
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