long sexy legs
Really fun Helix to Conch industrial with jewelry from @interstellarjewelryproductions and other com
Healed Tragus I pierced and upgraded to this niobium piece handcrafted by my buddy @noahbabcock from
Healed #orbitalpiercing with jewelry by #anatometal and #interstellarjewelryproductions with a bit o
The lovely Brittany cake to see me at @the_other_half_tattoos, and we did this really fun nostril pi
Fresh nostril done @the_other_half_tattoos with niobium jewelry from my buddy @noahbabcock and his @
Fresh fun helix I did at @the_other_half_tattoos with this. Rad niobium piece featuring a Star Cut M
Fun fresh double helix with jewelry from @neometaljewelry and @interstellarjewelryproductions done h
Got to upgrade this healed nostril with a fun niobium piece from my good friend @noahbabcock and his
Fun fresh helix piercing I did @the_other_half_tattoos with this nice niobium piece from @interstell
Fresh nostril with niobium jewelry from @noahbabcock and his @interstellarjewelryproductions anodize
Fun industrial piercing using a beautiful faceted cut blue gold stone from @interstellarjewelryprodu
New shipment of @interstellarjewelryproductions @the_other_half_tattoos. hand crafted from the man h
Jewelry concept for #daith piercing with faceted pear cut electric blue quartz. Available for wholes
Three fresh deep #helixpiercing s with jewelry by #anatometal and one healed helix piercing with jew
Fresh #bridgepiercing with jewelry by #interstellarjewelryproductions and a bit of custom bending. (
Healed #orbitalpiercing with jewelry by #anatometal and #interstellarjewelryproductions with a bit o
Concept for #industrialpiercing with jewelry by #interstellarjewelryproductions and components by #i
Healed #septumpiercing with jewelry by #interstellarjewelryproductions and a bit of custom bending.
Fresh #lippiercing with jewelry by #interstellarjewelryproductions and a bit of custom bending. (at
Custom bent fitting for #industrialpiercing with jewelry by #interstellarjewelryproductions and thre
This nice assortment will be making its way to the fabulous @lestingpiercings who will be the first
Attention! My line of jewelry that was once associated with Evolution Metalworks is now it&rsquo
Really fun Helix to Conch industrial with jewelry from @interstellarjewelryproductions and other com
Healed Tragus I pierced and upgraded to this niobium piece handcrafted by my buddy @noahbabcock from
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