fire god
Broke in a new pair of sneakers to do my first virtual duathlon for @newyorktriathlon. The March Ma
No pool while going through this pandemic means I have to keep my body strong enough for me to retur
After so many race cancellations and postponements, I opted to take on a virtual race that matches m
Early start for me this morning. I went to the supermarket and pushed yo possibly the last major thi
Today was physically productive and I’m looking forward to getting a great night&rsquo
Everything and everywhere I look, everyone’s talking about COVID-19–and it makes
Another race cancelled but my grind dont stop. It’s a little devastating but when I think
Head high | Booty flexed | Today’s the day that you conquer the world | Rinse, wash, repea
Doesn’t matter what your level of success may be, depression affects everyone at some poin
Haven’t managed to push myself for a run outside yet but I am pretty consistent with my at
I heard it takes 21 days to form a habit so I’m wondering why I’m not accustomed
I took a few days off to clear off my mental. Describing the last few days as rough is an understate
Broke in a new pair of sneakers to do my first virtual duathlon for @newyorktriathlon. The March Ma
After so many race cancellations and postponements, I opted to take on a virtual race that matches m
No pool while going through this pandemic means I have to keep my body strong enough for me to retur
Hoka One One
Boston Qualification…check. The next race is to get a hotel room close to the finish. Got
Hoka One One Elevon. Another underrated pair that deserves more love.
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