Herbal Manuscript
cuck learns to suck cock
الخمسينيات الميلادية
cucks for cocks
If those folks on fol. 4v of LJS 62 are Dioscorides and Galen, then these folks on fol. 1v are also
“…some people call it wolf-killer, [a plant] which grows abundantly in the land called Italy,
Six-foot mandrake, fine roots all over, beatific Botticelli face.Manuscript description and digital
More from LJS 278, this time a selection of animals. The one on the bottom here has antlers of majes
Illustrations of plants from LJS 278, Kitāb-i ḥashāʼish (a translation of De Materia Medica), an
At first I thought this might be depicting fennel, because Pliny the Elder wrote about snakes needin
LJS 475 Andrea Amadio botanical illustrationsThis is a leaf from an illustrated herbal on paper in t
discardingimages:mandrake Herbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 56v
LJS 278 is an illustrated herbal with detailed descriptions in multiple languages of the physical ap
mandrakeherbal, England or France, ca. 1190British Library, Sloane 1975, fol. 49r
bistort (Polygonum bistorta, also called adderwort, dragonwort or snakeweed with roots in the form o
LJS 46 is a manuscript that contains very little text and many botanical illustrations, mainly consi
Everyday is a great day for an herbal, especially one featuring what appear to be two serpents happi
blue rootherbal, Italy 15th centuryPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscr
In all likelihood, what happened here on fol. 77r of LJS 419 was that someone looked at this illustr
brassmanticore:Illustrations of Tibetan materia medica, plant and animal, used in the production of
innercurtain:Codex Sloane 4016 is a 15th century Italian parchment manuscript belonging to a class o
oddishherbal, Italy 15th centuryPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscript
mandragora femineaherbal (Pseudo-Dioscorides, De herbis femininis), England or France, ca. 1190BL, S
lionHistoria Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 140v
mandragoraTacuinum sanitatis, Rhineland 15th centuryBnF, Latin 9333, fol. 37r
mandrake Herbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 56v
webHerbal, Lombardy ca. 1440British Library, Sloane 4016, fol. 6r
hedgehogHistoria Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 97r
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