Harvard Library
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Harvard University and Harvard Library are closed for Winter Break from December 19, 2020, through J
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Leaf from Ghistelles book of hours : manuscript, circa 1299-1300.MS Lat 446Houghton Library, Harvard
Portraits of female burlesque entertainers, 1925-1946.MS Thr 594Houghton Library, Harvard University
Juvenal. Satirae : manuscript, [ca. 1495]MS Typ 322Houghton Library, Harvard University
Bouchot, Frédéric, 1798- Les bonnes têtes musicales, [ca. 1840] *44W-2685Houghton Library, Harvard U
Thai treatise on fortune telling : manuscript, before 1844.MS Typ 439Houghton Library, Harvard Unive
Circus sideshow performers Fred Howe and George Moore, ca. 1890.TCS 7Houghton Library, Harvard Unive
Jeu de la Bataille ou le Buffon amusant [early 19th century]SG 3102.106.1Houghton Library, Harvard U
Machado, Antonio, 1875-1939. Campos de Castilla, 1912.*SC9 M1804 912caHoughton Library, Harvard Univ
Story, Isaac, 1774-1803. The Hermit: manuscript, ca. 1800.MS Am 549Houghton Library, Harvard Univers
Circus images collection.MS Thr 693Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University
White, Ethelbert. Scene drawings for Cleopatra and Narcisse. MS Thr 414.2Houghton Library, Harvard U
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Two stories, 1917.EC9.W8827.917tHoughton Library, Harvard University
Compost et kalendrier des bergiers, 1493.Inc 7985.5 (31.2)Houghton Library, Harvard University
Fancy ball dress. New series, 1832.HEW 14.7.10Houghton Library, Harvard University
Vincent, Levinus. Wondertooneel der nature, 1706.Typ 732.06.870 Houghton Library, Harvard University
Barnum & Bailey sideshow photographs. MS Thr 675Houghton Library, Harvard University
Olearius, Adam, 1603-1671. Gottorffische Kunst-Kammer, 1674.Typ 620.74.645Houghton Library, Harvard
Hesiod. Theogony with commentaries by John Tzetzes, 1500-1525.MS Gr 20Houghton Library, Harvard Univ
Cigar box labels, late 19th century.H 5444.25.3Houghton Library, Harvard University
James Edward Whitney collection of playing cards.MS Am 2204 (13)Houghton Library, Harvard University
Alhazen, 965-1039. Opticæ thesaurus, 1572.GC5 R4947 572iHoughton Library, Harvard University
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