pantyhose perfection
ingleton waterfalls
art circa 2021
Working on a zine for the Hamilton zineposium in June. And I adore Catherine Frazee more than ever.
Hi yes hello I am feeling amazing! Had such a good week in spite of my asthma! Secured housing fundi
Today we remember those we have lost to Transphobia, Transmisogyny and Transmisogynoir. To all my Tr
June 28th there will be a release event for the findings of the LGBTQ speak out community consultati
REMINDER!! come hang out with me ☺️☺️☺️ the event is free and open to all! #lgbtq #hamont #hamilton
King Street in motion - Image by Greg Smith via Flickr.Use the tag #Urban_Toronto to be featured!#ur
LAY DOWN YOUR BURDENS No.4 / 40x60 / photography-based mixed media.Stev’nn Hall painting in his stud
I’m on my rich girl mood. What do rich girls do? I’m toastin on cloud nine, that’s my rich girl mood
The other TORONTO sign - Image by Craig White via our forum.Use the tag #Urban_Toronto to be feature
Industrial Waterfront - Image by edk7 via Flickr.Use the tag #Urban_Toronto to be featured!#urbantor
ODYSSEY (artist proof) AP1 / 48x48 / 2016. Mixed media artwork by Stev’nn Hall.
Rainbow Bridal - “Pampering Brides Since 1928” by designwallah 105 King Street East, Ham
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church by designwallah Barton Street East, Hamilton flic.kr/
Heys all! I’m thinking of snapping my IRP writing progress everyday as a means to engage l
Here’s a drawing of a car or something like a car on a t-shirt. —– #i
Hammer Hoppers logo design | 2015Check out local Hamilton swing dance group, Hammer Hoppers, at the
LAY DOWN YOUR BURDENS No.4 / 40x60 / photography-based mixed media.Stev’nn Hall painting in hi
ODYSSEY (artist proof) AP1 / 48x48 / 2016. Mixed media artwork by Stev’nn Hall.
This is a drawing from last week that inspired the painting I posted yesterday. As I was drawing I b
#ONstorm has been tame in Toronto so far but cities including #HamOnt west down the QEW have been ha
The idea behind this painting changed as it went along. Originally I tried to make some people obscu
Here are the last three paintings together. —– Flora 2018 oil on canvas 80cm x 6
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