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ancientpeoples:Greywacke cippi steleThis stele was used to pray to for magical guidance and strength
lionofchaeronea:Naophorous block statue (greywacke) of Psamtik-seneb, governor of Sais. Artist unkn
Naophorous (temple-bearing) greywacke block statue of Psamtik[seneb], governor of Sais. Artist unk
amntenofre:greywacke statue (most likely a cult statue) of King Ramses III wearing a short wig (topp
Greywacke sculpture of King Menkaura and his queen. Egyptian, Old Kingdom, 4th dynasty, 2490-2472 B.
ancientpeoples:Greywacke libation dish The libation dish is lined with ka-arms, representing the sou
The greywacke statue of Khasekhemwy from Hierakonpolis (Cairo JE 3216I), from an archive negative in
awesomepharoah:Greywacke statue of Amun (detail), 18th-19th Dynasty, New Kingdom *
The ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut. Detail from the greywacke sarcophagus of Sisobek, vizier of L
lionofchaeronea:Ancient Egyptian limestone offering table with a greywacke statuette of a man named
Ancient Egyptian limestone offering table with a greywacke statuette of a man named Sehetepib. Arti
Limestone offering table with a greywacke statuette of Sehetepib. Artist unknown; ca. 1850-1775 BCE
Kneeling sculpture (greywacke) of Hor-wedja, son of Sasobek, the Grand Vizier to the 26th Dynasty ph
grandegyptianmuseum:Greywacke statue of Thutmose III (Menkheperre, reign ca.1479-1425 BC) from Karna
Head of King Amenemhat IIIRealistic style portrait of king Amenemhat III, made out of greywacke.&nbs
Head of the priest Ankhkhonsu (greywacke) The beautifully carved head of Ankhkhonsu exemplifies
Tawharanui Wildlife Reserve, New Zealand
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