floating shelves
guardian saint
jim ellison
It feels so cleansing and peaceful to be cleaning the dead matter out of our main greenhouse I love
playing in the greenhouse @ Sacred Gardenswww.bewellcommunity.org/
It feels so cleansing and peaceful to be cleaning the dead matter out of our main greenhouse I love
Greenhouse Day @ Sacred Gardens featuring a newly handcrafted wood pallet bench and elevated fruit t
Pickles and cukes growing up Dave’s double trellis. He’s always planted tomatoes here. T
I usually don’t post pictures of myself, but this photo makes me so happy, so here I am! A day
lettuce, scallions, and onion starts blooming
beautiful babies for sale @ Sacred Gardens ~ www.bewellcommunity.org/
Greenhouse day @ Sacred Gardens www.bewellcommunity.org/
Yerba mate chillinwww.bewellcommunity.org/
Sleepy greenhouse cats www.bewellcommunity.org/
Beautiful greenhouse treasures ✨www.bewellcommunity.org/
Seeding leeks and onions all day @ Sacred Gardens www.bewellcommunity.org/
Citrus about to bloom
Greenhouse explorations
Gorgeous fig trees in bloom @ Sacred Gardens www.bewellcommunity.org/
Adventurous free range chickens climbing onto the greenhouse roof www.bewellcommunity.o
03.24.2018 in the greenhouse with fig trees, nasturtium, lemons, limes, kiwis, rosemary, thyme, leek
A snowy March day at the farm.. ❄www.bewellcommunity.org/
Citrus & nasturtium ~ www.bewellcommunity.org/
Dave’s greenhouse gives us so much pleasure and food!#greenhouse #blogging #greenthumb #greenh
Greenhouse Cukes are setting on! #blogging #gardening #greenthumb #greenhouse #greenhouselife #green
Greenhouse tomatoes are coming on! Lots of flowers and bush. Soon ripe maters! #tomatoes #greentomat
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