Greek Anatolia
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Marble relief of the goddess Demeter. Artist unknown; 4th cent. BCE. Found near Çanakkale, Turkey;
Daedalus shows Queen Pasiphaë of Crete the wooden heifer he has constructed so that she may have int
Funerary stele from Nicomedia, Bithynia (present-day Izmit, Turkey), depicting the deceased reclinin
Marsyas challenges Apollo to a musical contest. Frieze from the Roman-era theater at the ancient ci
Die Gartenlaube 1875, Zuleiha Turkish girl.
Cult image of Aphrodite of Aphrodisias, found in the bouleuterion (council house) at Aphrodisias. Gr
The Cypress GroveGenre: Romance/Historical/Fantasy, slightly based on this mythSetting: Greek Anatol
Statuette of the goddess Artemis/Diana. Unknown Anatolian artist; 1st cent. BCE. Now in the Getty Vi
Κυβέλα, μάτερ θεών ~ Διθύραμβος Πινδάρου, απόσπασμα 80 “Cybele - mother of Gods” ~ PindarusCybele-Rh
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