Good Translation
improving periods
fyeahparkkyung:Translation:In Fact Park Kyung has a good body!
M: おぼん帰って来ないの?「おぼんかえってこないの?」“Aren’t you coming back for Obon?”R: うん!元気。「うん! げんき。」”Yeah, I’m good!”ママ
台風大丈夫? 「たいふうだいじょうぶ?」“Are you doing ok with the typhoon?”R: おはよう☔️うん、大丈夫 「おはよう☔️うん、だいじょうぶ」”Good morni
弁当は温かいと美味しいけど、夏に弁当は温かいと腐るの 「べんとうはあたたかいとおいしいけど、なつにべんとうはあたたかいとくさるの」“A warm bento is good, but in the s
clodiuspulcher:3 good moments from the Clodius biography:1- Clodius and Clodia prosecuted Caelius AG
So far the translation of HW was really good. But after installing the MM package THIS was quite a s
interretialia:Non est bellum bellum, puelle.No such thing as a good war, kiddo.“Non est bellum bellu
Vale… Interrete…Goodbye… Internet…(Fons Imaginis.)
Eum inveni! Bonissimum puerum orbis terrarum!I found him! The goodest boy in the world!(Fons Imagini
Lardum FortunansPone Hoc in Tuo Cyberdiario & Omnes Classes Tuas SustinebisThe Goodluck BaconReb
Bene. That is an oldie but goodie.
palatinamedea:I did a metrical translation of CIL 4. 5296, a piece of graffiti from Pompeii which co
brownrabbits:cookie cat festival!I love Steven Universe so much ;_ ; He’s cosplaying cookie catOptim
thoodleoo:he’s doing such a good job~~~Feles archaeologusque Nestor Davis locum qui perfecte aptus a
Iocose!Well, to be fair: Anne Mahoney did do a good job of updating certain parts of A&G.
Haec est una bona causa cur frequentare Universitatem Novi Brunsvici debeas!This is one good reason
herkindoftea:Forever unable to leave bookstores empty handed. #booksbooksbooks(at Elliott Bay Book C
Lac.Id corpori prodest.Milk.It does a body good.(Fons Imaginis.)
Hic Annus Bonus EritThis Will Be a Good Year(Versio Anglica.)
interretialia:No good Latin student ever declines VI
Optime Lingua Iaponica loqueris.Animi spectando operam ei dedi.Your Japanese really is good.I stud
kseniyasurvivor:“I mean, think about it. “Bonjour” is an exact literal translation of good day.”um H
Snoopy Cervisiam Bonam Amat99gag:Snoopy Loves a Good Beer99gag.tumblr.com/
German proverb: “Alle guten Dinge sind drei.” Literal translation: All good things are t
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