tim pigottsmith
naruse shou
“I use the term ‘Muslim women’s rights’ … because, as I said
“ ‘People kill their own flesh and blood to satisfy backward tribal values and trad
Image Source: Popartic/dreamstime.com -ANW
“a universalizing term like ‘rights’ accumulates meanings form multiple sources&am
“In assuming the uniformity of such practices, popular narratives affix values of individualis
“Things can go wrong for people everywhere. Some fathers are violent, some brothers comm
“The honor crime gives legitimacy and resilience not just to all the mechanisms of regulation,
Just last month, a Polish magazine published a cover story with these photos. How can Europe c
“People wear the appropriate form of dress for their social communities and their social class
“Gérôme suggests that this oriental world is a world without change, a world with
“[According to WuDunn] Islam is the problem & Islam is condensed in the figure of the
“…most frequent assumption is that secularism is good for free sexual expression be
“Hanna Papanek, an anthropologist who worked in Pakistan in the 1970s, has described the burqa
“It is a hijab with a hood… thus Hoojab!I invented the Hoojab many years ago when I sta
“Like many colleagues whose work focuses on women in the Middle East and the Muslim world, I w
I was unsure of the context in which Abu-Lughod describes Islam as a culture when she states her own
Adam Sabra’s article “What is Wrong with What Went Wrong?” begins with labeling Le
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