German Manuscript
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clexa week 2021
Illustrations from a Swabian illustrated manuscript Swabia “Anthony of Pforr’s Book of E
Illustrations from various 15th century German manuscripts made in the workshop of Ludwig Henfflin,
Illustrations from a 15th century German manuscript made in the workshop of Ludwig Henfflin, Stuttga
Illuminations from a 15th century Bible made in the workshop Ludwig Henfflin, 1477
Fugger Ehrenbuch by Jorg Breau the Younger, 1545-49
Illustrations from “The Braunschweig Sketchbook”, c. 1380-1420
Ursula Fugger (1530-1570) Fuggerorum et Fuggerarum by by Dominicus Custos and two unnamed ladies fro
Illustrations from the Sächsischen Weltchronik, 1229-77
Illustrations from the Spiezer Chronik by Diebold Schilling the Elder, 1480s Switzerland
Illuminations from the Gospels of Holy Roman Emperor Otto III by the Meister der Reichenauer Schule,
Hermann of Thuringia and his wife Sophia of Wittelsbach from the Elisabethpsalter, 13th century
fox crested knight riding a cat(allegory of gluttony)Etymachia, Germany 1420London, Wellcome Library
Hitda Codex, commissioned by Hitda, abbess of Meschede about 1020
Bishop CatFables, Germany 15th centuryLA, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig XV 1, fol. 48r
St. Peter Healing a Crippled Beggar (p. 228v from the Ottheinrich-Bibel), Matthias Gerung, ca. 1530-
Sacramentary of Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1002-1014
Ms. Codex 766 -In physicam seu philosophiam na[tura]lem commentarius una cum quaestionibusHow’s your
Illustrations from the Fuggerorum et Fuggerarum by Dominicus Custos, commissioned in 1588 finished i
Codex Aureus Epternacensis, circa 1035-1040; Germany
Illustrations from Lucas de Heere’s Théâtre de tous les peuples et nations de la terre, 1570s;
Illuminations from the Gero-Codex, the oldest manuscript of the Reichenau school of illumination, c.
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