Gene Simmons
azurite cuprite
heartbreak quotes
Detroit Rock City
Detroit Rock City
Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 6-A Fractured HouseAnd I saw something… something else beh
A new birthday buckle.The glory of becoming an old man, is you score the same fun stuff you would ha
I put my own spin on those ‘band lineup’ shirts, by making a new T-shirt, celebrating the man who ru
I made a new KISS Shirt for my friend Dan, (who introduced me to KISS).A shirt that stemmed out of o
I have always wanted a LICK IT UP poster, stumbling upon one with the German logo, only makes it swe
The FUN of 80% Rayon & 20% Vinyl Film…
It’s never too early to start thinking about your Halloween costume.Large Marge is going with Peter
Large Marge.Guardian of the Solo wall…sleeping on the job.
Spent the weekend in the basement, spinning records and hanging things.Lots of cool memories attache
Sometimes, Pee Wee sits like a cat…
Just in time for Saturday Night,Night caps for the Kings of the Night Time World…THE BLACK DI
Guest I would like to see at a KISS Expo…THE DRESSED TO KILL KIDEven if he couldn’t remember
KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES LX: KISS FROM A NIGHT ROSEThat dark and unsettling time of year is once ag
soundsof71: Best rockstar/fan pic ever: Gene Simmons of Kiss with Melissa Codden, head cheerleader
lol, yess i am really bored :(
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