Games Animation
french peasants
Side Pocket [サイドポケット] for the Mega Drive, Data East, 1992♫ Emi Shimizu — Chillin’
The Adventures of Batman & Robin for the Mega Drive, Clockwork Tortoise, 1995♫ Jesper Kyd — Goth
X-Men 2: Clone Wars for the Mega Drive, Headgames, 1995♫ Kurt Harland — The Clone Wars
The Story of Thor: A Successor of the Light / Beyond Oasis [ストーリー・オブ・トア 光を継ぐ者] for the Mega Drive, A
Streets of Rage / Bare Knuckle: Furious Iron Fist [ベア・ナックル 怒りの鉄拳] for the Mega Drive, SEGA, 1991♫ Yu
Travis strikes again!
I feel like such a hyper-nerd looking at this and thinking about the evolution of polygonal joint ar
In case you missed it, our Annie Origins cinematic is out! This was such an amazing project to work
Winter Olympic Games Openning Ceremony, Pyeong Chang 2018.“Everything for the Future”. The look into
virtual reality
Important lore characters, Angwu and Bhadra! I was actually pretty psyched to see that these were th
arsuf:Connor + Idle Animations
talesfromweirdland:Production art and stills from the 1996 claymation game, THE NEVERHOOD. Conceived
Strider Hiryu’s “Ragnarok” from Marvel vs Capcom
talesfromweirdland:Model sheets and screenshots from Space Ace (1984), a beautiful, joyless laserdis
I participated in Ludum Dare #38 These are some of the animated sprites I created for Miniverse. It
the2dstagesfg:All the stages from “Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer”
Here are some animations from on of my favorite games “Project X: Love Potion Disaster”. Which one i
ambrosine92: Between games in HotSYou know that hots animations I said I would do last year? Well I
Kushi and Altun have a big combo attack they can do. The animation is broken up into several parts,
★ Video games you can create in the SEGA Dreamcast game SGGG. Borozon Ball is Dragon Ball. Final Pha
Always been a huge fan of games really faithfully mimic the look of old NES games … so I’ve b
breath of the wild
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