freersackler:Egyptian flasks of this type are known as “New Year” gifts because of the inscriptions
freersackler:We hope you’re having a buoyant #LeapDay! This #Leaping #Dragon is made of #brass and d
Painted in rich reds, greens, and blues patterned with gold, exquisite Goryeo Buddhist paintings sur
Our film series Arab Cinema Now kicks off this weekend, opening a window on filmmaking in the Arab w
NPR described Kung Fu Wildstyle as “a globe-trotting pop-up exhibit that celebrates the in
A haiku in the center of this Japanese print compares the warrior Ushiwakamaru to a spike of frost t
To celebrate @nmaahc, tomorrow we begin a month-long exhibition and program series highlighting conn
TONIGHT: Discover netsuke, artful miniature sculpture from Japan’s Edo period, through a discu
On International Women’s Day, take a look at women in the Persian “Book of Kings.&r
As The Art of the Qur’an draws to a close next Monday, we’re sharing some of the charmin
#Reposting @graceylou987 – Filthy Lucre * * * * * #smithsonian #filthylucre #freersackler
Egyptian flasks of this type are known as “New Year” gifts because of the inscri
The garden on this Chinese dish represents all seasons. Spring primrose and narcissus join autumn co
On Games Day, take a look at games throughout our collections: from Whistler’s Marbles to
On National Violin Day, listen to our recording of violinist L. Subramaniam in concert. He is a gian
Today is International Mountain Day, and this year’s theme celebrates people who live in t
Curator Lee Glazer recalls the squabble over Whistler’s Peacock Room in “Butting Hea
“In an exceptional year for art in Washington, this survey of hand-copied Qurans at the Ar
#Reposting @blainsouthern with @instarepost_app – Morning light in Washington DC glimmerin
Bring the art of the Qur’an to your iPad. Our new (and free!) app allows you to turn the pages
freersackler: The Bible has been called the best-selling book of all time, though the term itself c
freersackler: “Why had no one in the art world known about these extraordinary paintings?&rdqu
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