Fluorescence Photography
periodic elements
squeezy cheese
RockglowWe have a complex rock here from the Franklin mine in New Jersey (itself named for Benjamin
conspectusargosy:Lichen on stone. Where the lichen has passed, the fluorescence of the stone has cha
Craig P. Burrows aka Craig B. (American, based Blythe, CA, USA) - Koelreuteria 3 s, 2017, Photograph
Bottle OpenerA bottle opener is a device that enables the removal of metal bottle caps from bottles.
Schiedea globosa is another member of the pinks family, endemic to Hawaii, and though less imperiled
Achyranthes splendens (Ahinahina in Hawaiian) is an endangered Hawaiian endemic plant in the same fa
The Social MixerA singles event is an activity or program made available specifically to the romanti
HypnosisHypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced periphera
High As Phuque In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of known structure, which
So CheesyCheese is a dairy product derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, te
CyclopsA Cyclops is a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the center of
Choose WiselyThe Matrix is a science fiction action media franchise created by The Wachowskis, about
Surveillance StateA surveillance state is a country where the government engages in pervasive survei
One of the things Hawaii is known for is its great array of Hibiscus and members of the mallow famil
Indigo dye comes from several plants, but the genus Indigofera contains one of the original and best
Hopscotch ProdigyA child prodigy is defined in psychology research literature as a person under the
Road TripMonopoly is derived from The Landlord’s Game created by Lizzie Magie in the Unite
Within the realms of botany and mycology there are some groups of species which are perceived as bei
CorkscrewedA corkscrew is a tool for drawing corks from wine bottles and other household bottles tha
Where’s Phoebe? Centipedes (from the New Latin prefix centi-, “hundred”, and the
What’s For Dinner?Cutlery includes any hand implement used in preparing, serving, and especial
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