Farm Life
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Freshly-hatched chicks from our mama hen, Grace Shell-y.A very happy morning at the Hyperborean Gard
We’re still harvesting turnips and it feels like there’s no end in sight.Thankful.#farml
The Alpacalypse is here! Better start hoarding hay!Photo: Illinois
Cow Painting //TheHeartoftheCountry
“The Chick Inn” for Chicken Coop //UrbanFringeLiving
Three cows by Christos Vasileiou (@takis_vsl) via Instagram.
insert treats herehungry coo via minimooandcrew
well good mooooorning to ya-coo via hoofhoundnj
beauty of a coovia theedora
TB testing (tuberculin skin test) on our herd - part 2. All clear!this might be the busiest and most
Love hanging out with these little guys!Grace Shell-y’s baby chicks. Turns out she was not suc
Buff Orpington rooster fluffing his feathers.
It may be winter outside but we are getting ready for Spring!Our planting crew had 2500 seedlings tr
As a Farmer you learn quick: “You don’t get anything that you don’t work hard for.
Lovely, misty, rainy, beautiful day to dig up some of our sweet potatoes and take pride in our hard
Life is better with ducklings!We welcomed three this afternoon.This one needed a little help. There
Highland Cattle, Watercolor painting // Etsy
Still life with apples and old letter scales
happycottage:Farm life
Sights like this make life worth living. #littlethings #nature #sunflowers #flowers #view #farm #(at
fischotterchen:Mei Ling, my beautiful baby and the light of my life. We adopted her from a farm thre
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