ccassandra pentaghast
cradle bed
earlyish reblog
Hey, it’s #equalpay! Let’s close the wage gap already! Created this little gif for @lyft. 20% of rid
DC mayor @murielbowser issues proclamation honoring August 3 as #blackwomensequalpayday & highli
Happy international women’s day! Let’s celebrate with love, compassion and by su
We must end discrimination against women at work. Learn more via @unwomen: un
@megzany is super smart!! The T-shirt store scrubbed it’s wall; they left her strawberry short
Well this was fun! Thanks for having me @cbcthenational to talk #EqualPay #WoSo and the struggles o
And then there are guys like these ones. Kudos for them. We hope this is the future … men
In 2020, women are still struggling to o gain #equalrights — • — #WomensMarch2020
The same applies to everything that the cistem wants to impose on us all. #reproductiverights #rbg #
“Hey @IvankaTrump - saw your tweet about the wage gap, just some food for thought… #EqualPayD
rhrealitycheck: #EqualPayDay for Black Women, By the Numbers rhrc.us/1rzdGSn
#Equalpayday perspective. What are we going to do about it? #Resist
We believe that there should be no difference in pay rate base on gender! Raise the standard! @livid
“Today is #EqualPayDay - the day each year that marks when the average woman’s
“Women Construction Workers Demand Jobs! Hire A Dyke,” San Francisco, California, c. 197
We won’t stop fighting for equality! ☝ #frauenrechte #weltfrauentag #gleichberechtigung #diskrimieru
We won’t stop fighting for equality! ☝ #frauenrechte #weltfrauentag #gleichberechtigung #diskr
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