Education Programs
broken age
odinsblog:Trump is slashing funding to public education, social safety net and domestic programs, bu
Imagine this: you’re waking up on a Sunday morning and perhaps it’s one of the only days
Each week the Brooklyn Museum Summer Interns participate in full-day educational programs that explo
If you visit the Museum, you may come across one of our 2017-2018 Museum Education Fellows teaching
Brooklyn Afternoons return to the Brooklyn Museum on Tuesday, October 24th. One Tuesday per month, w
Dear friends,I hope your summer has been glorious! As the season winds down, things are heating up h
art on paper’s 55 exhibiting galleries will feature work by artists who look to paper as a major inf
Each week the Brooklyn Museum Summer Interns participate in full-day educational programs that explo
Each week the Brooklyn Museum Summer Interns participate in full-day educational programs that explo
On this global day dedicated to giving back, I hope you’ll consider making a gift close to home by s
odinsblog:Trump is slashing funding to public education, social safety net and domestic programs, bu
The weather outside may be frightful, but delightful spring art programs are on the horizon. See the
From groundbreaking exhibitions to bold public programming to impactful educative initiatives, the B
“My choice of materials reflects this paradoxical view that I have of American culture. Plasti
Community music programs enhance brain function in at-risk children A Northwestern University study
This week our Sunday Object Talk will be given by education and public programs assistant Hannah Tis
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