Earth Edit
digest comics
bughead eating
timeladv:“There lie the woods of Lothlorien! That is the fairest of all the dwellings of my people.
rebelreys:make me choose → anon asked: Erebor scenery or Mirkwood scenery
anras:Favorite places in Middle Earth: Lothlórien
seerspirit:And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Leg
momopuff:GIF/GRAPHIC TAG GAME: favorite lotr location | tagged by elveinkingTAGGING: mithrilbilbo,
rebelreys:make me choose → anon asked: Jotunheim or Mordor
Models: @_toocute x @chasitysamone x @_lilianlewisFor @asherahswimwearMua: @kimjluv Hair: @bridgetth
anras:Creatures of Middle Earth: The Great Eagles
nenuials:lothlórien - inspired by (x) // (art)
lois-lane:Middle-earth meme ♔ [¼] locations - Rivendell
arsonauts:Citizens of Earth - Neck DeepJust my edit
tlotrgifs:Our Favorites: [Day 14/24] Elise’s Favorite Place (The Hobbit)↳ Mirkwood
tlotrgifs:Our Favorites: [Day 13/24] Elise’s Favorite Place (Lord of the Rings)↳ Minas Tirith/Gondor
dunderklumpen:Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old.
luthicn:Middle Earth Meme: [5/5] objects↳ Nenya
orlandobloom:middle earth meme | [3/5] locations » The Shire I should like to save the Shire, if I c
badassium:Minas Tirith, S. ‘Tower of the Guard’Source: The Atlas of Middle-Earth (Revised Edition) b
oneringnet:Take now this Ring,’ he said; ‘for thy labours and thy cares will be heavy, but in all it
arkenburglar:the hobbit gif battle vs. oakenbagginsround 01: scenery porn
swayer-of-dale:MIDDLE-EARTH + Scenery [PartXIV]THE HOBBIT/THE LORD OF THE RINGSRandom Gif Edit- 61/?
melianinarda:The Middle-Earth aesthetic | M i r k w o o d |The Silvan Elves | A u t u m n
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