A pair of cased and engraved percussion derringers produced by A.G. Genez of New York City, mid 19th
An engraved southern derringer produced by Brown Manufacturing with original ivory grips, circa 1867
A factory engraved Southern Derringer produced by Merrimack Arms Manufacturing Co., mid 19th century
An engraved, pearl handled Remington derringer, late 19th century.
An engraved Sharps Type 2A four shot derringer with pearl grips, mid to late 19th century.Estimated
Engraved C.H. Ballard single shot derringer with ivory grips, dated 1869.
An interesting two shot derringer that was built by one Weber Rausch of Switzerland. Chambered for
Benada Arms Derringer.I cannot find much information on these tiny little pistols. They are .25 cal
Because there’s a big demand for .45/.410 target competition derringers— The American De
The Heizer Double Tap derringer, now being produced in “ipod white”. Available in 9mm a
Four shot derringer made by A. Chuchu of Liege, Belgium, 19th century.
Blunt and Syms Silver Frame DerringerEstimated Value: $1,500-$2,300
Rare engraved Sharps Hankins four barrel derringer with checkered ivory grips.Estimated Value: $6,00
Historic Pocket Pistol-.44 Philadelphia DerringerThis is the infamous derringer that John Wilkes Boo
Engraved Sharps Model 1a four barrel derringer, mid 19th century.
An engraved Marston three barrel derringer with pearl grips. Made between 1864 and 1872.
Three barrel Marston derringer with retractable bayonet, produced between 1858 and 1864.
An engraved and gold inlaid copy of a Sharps four shot derringer, produced by Fabrica Euscalduna of
Engraved Remington Rider magazine pistol with ivory grips, circa 1870’s.
Exhibition quality gold and silver inlaid matching pair of Colt No.1 derringers, circa 1870-1890.fro
Engraved and pearl handled Sharps Model 2C four barrel derringer, circa 1860′s.
A rare factory engrave Moore No.1 derringer presented to Mexican President Benito Juarez, circa 1862
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