Covid Pandemic
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During the pandemic, anti-Asian hate and COVID-19 disinformation are putting lives at risk. Coronavi
Posted @withregram • @radical.seattle Eat the Rich and Arm the Homeless.....#eattherich #armthehomel
The government does not care about minorities and poor folk.
️️ What she said!
It can’t be too difficult to win a debate against 600k fetuses tbh
This illustrates the attitudes over here when it comes to the pandemic and our kick-ass prime minist
me praying to god to end the pandemic so i can get cockslapped by hung strangers again
Albert Camus with a pertinent message for our current world situation.
im-a-luigi-number-one:Wahoo! It’s-a me, Dr. Luigi! As the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t-a left many areas
“Capitalism is the Disease! Class War is the Cure!” IWW poster seen in Sydney
“Searching for a vaccine against the virus of capital” Seen in Barcelona
“Fight the virus of control” Seen in Berlin
“Corona is the virus. Capitalism is the pandemic"Seen in Chicago
“From the hospitals to the supermarkets, care workers, binmen, hauliers, posties, delivery drivers,
“Rent Strike / Tenants keep your rent, landlords keep your distance” Poster seen in Sydn
Barcelona, Spain, 2020
Never look up your symptoms! (via Rustled Jimmies)
Polish(?) Priest blessing a child during the COVID-19 pandemic.Source unknown, sent in by a long-tim
Non-medical-grade-homemade-cloth-reusable masked crows, acrylic painting on cardboard
Prepared crow, acrylic painting on cardboard
Stay the blazes home, crow! Acrylic painting on cardboard
polishpriests:Polish(?) Priest blessing a child during the COVID-19 pandemic.Source unknown, sent in
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