Clear Quartz
* October Shop Update at Sedna 90377 * This time I also offer a bunch of beautiful gemstones, such a
These lovely pendants are now for sale at my etsy shop!Feel free to take a look (:
90377:Clear quartz points, amethyst, labradorite and rose quartz pieces are now available at my Etsy
90377:Clear quartz, 2016/10/09tumblr | Instagram | Etsy Shop
Beautiful new gemstones and handmade pendants are now available at my Etsy Shop - Sedna 90377
I spend the last days making these beautiful gemstone pendants and they’re now available at my Etsy
* 90377’s Summer Giveaway*It’s been some time since my last giveaway and this is my way to say than
Still life photography by @90377Instagram | Etsy shop
My crystal collection. [2003~2018]Some pieces are missing in the picture, because they are in altars
Crystal Protection Magick
Flea market findings from yesterday.tumblr | Instagram | Etsy Shop
90377′s Spring GiveawayThis is by far my biggest giveaway yet and it’s my way to say thank you to al
The shop update is close and this clear quartz necklace will be available again!Along with another r
new beautiful gemstone pendants available at ~ Sedna90377.etsy.com
Still life photography by @90377Instagram | Etsy shop
Black tourmaline, amethyst shards and clear quartz points are all available at my shop.tumblr | Inst
Beautiful new gemstones and handmade pendants are now available at my Etsy Shop - Sedna 90377
This Double Terminated (points on both ends) Clear Quartz Crystal is a wonderful tool to use during
All of the gemstones I got at the flea market today.
tumblr | Instagram | Etsy Shop
Amethyst, herkimer diamonds and clear quartz.Instagram | Etsy Shop
CREATIVE AWAKENINGSmokey Quartz | Labradorite | Clear Quartz | Amazonite | Herkimer Diamond | Lepido
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