Classical History
yaka people
Landscape with Polyphemus, Nicolas Poussin, 1649
Hercules Defeats Antaeus (plate 9 from The Labors of Hercules), Cornelis Cort and Hieronymus Cock, 1
by Cesar Poyatos on Flickr
Sisyphus, Edward Burne-Jones, ca. 1870
Sisyphus, Titian, 1548-49
Sisyphus, watched by Persephone and Hades, undergoes his punishment in the Underworld. Attic black-
Sisyphus hauls his rock in the Underworld, while Persephone watches. Side A of an Attic black-figur
The majority of the life class focused on one long, seated pose that lasted approximately three hour
The battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs (Centauromachy). Attic black-figure terracotta kyathos (cup-s
Head of Asclepius. Roman copy (second half of 2nd cent. CE) after a mid-4th cent. BCE Greek origina
Fatima Ronquillo, Hand with Lover’s Eyeour ig: archiveofangels ️
Silver stater from the ancient Greek polis of Phaistos, Crete. On the obverse, Heracles; on the rev
The Feast of the Gods, Giovanni Bellini and Titian, ca. 1514-29
Mars and Venus on a blue background. Fresco in the Fourth Style from Herculaneum, artist unknown; 5
Hercules, Piero della Francesca, ca. 1465
The Death of Hercules, Francisco de Zurbarán, 1634
Atropos, or the Fates, Francisco Goya, 1819-23
Heracles battles the Amazons. Interior of a Laconian black-figure kylix, attributed to the Arcesila
Mercury and a Sleeping Herdsman, Peter Paul Rubens, ca. 1632-33
The Birth of the Milky Way, Peter Paul Rubens, 1636-37
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