Classical Art
zoe karssen
National Library of Greece, Athens
Landscape with Polyphemus, Nicolas Poussin, 1649
1. Mercury by Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571). | 2. Perseus holding the head of Medusa. | 3. Bust of H
A View of Aegina by Carl Anton Joseph Rottman
Francesco Montelatici detto Cecco bravo (1607–1661)Allégorie de l'Aurore
La nuit / Night.1875.Oil on Canvas.105 x 168 cm.Art by Auguste-Alexandre Hirsch.(1833-1912).
Statue of Eros stringing his bow Palazzo Nuovo - Musei Capitolini, Rome Sculpture | Museums
Hercules Defeats Antaeus (plate 9 from The Labors of Hercules), Cornelis Cort and Hieronymus Cock, 1
Sisyphus, Edward Burne-Jones, ca. 1870
Sisyphus, Titian, 1548-49
Sisyphus, watched by Persephone and Hades, undergoes his punishment in the Underworld. Attic black-
Sisyphus hauls his rock in the Underworld, while Persephone watches. Side A of an Attic black-figur
Circle of Tomás Yepes (b. ca. 1600–1674)A classical garden setting with exotic birds, roses, carnati
Riccardo Meacci (1856–d. ca. 1940)A homage to Florence, the coronation of Flora
Amos Cassioli (1832–1891)The Venus Sacrifice
The majority of the life class focused on one long, seated pose that lasted approximately three hour
The battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs (Centauromachy). Attic black-figure terracotta kyathos (cup-s
Head of Asclepius. Roman copy (second half of 2nd cent. CE) after a mid-4th cent. BCE Greek origina
Fatima Ronquillo, Hand with Lover’s Eyeour ig: archiveofangels ️
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