Leather strapon
lana kendrick
Chukchi knives and sculpture, photos from the Arctic Museum (detailsunknown).
GPS tracked movements of Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Data from 1985-1996
Possiblythe handle of an implement for flaking, carved from walrus ivory(acquired 1954).Thetool is 1
The abandoned village of Naukan in Mechigmanskiy Bay, Cape Dezhnev(Siberia, Russia).The abandoned vi
NOAA Archaeologists Discover Lost Whaling FleetOn September 12, 1871, in the dwindling light of the
Residents of Anadyr (Russia, summer 1906). The town was calledNovo-Mariinsk until 1923.The peo
Artifacts from the Chukchi Collection at the Museum of Ethnography inStockholm:ArmourArrows &
Chukchi children and mother in front of a yaranga (Cape Vankarem, 1881).
Artifacts from the Chukchi Collection at the Museum of Ethnography inStockholm:Shirt (Chukchi Penins
Soviet buildings in the abandoned village of Naukan in MechigmanskiyBay, Cape Drezhnev (Siberia, Rus
Chukchi family with their husky dog (Russia, 1900 – 1910).
A Chukchi family lined up for a photo near the shore (Novo-Mariinsk,Russia, summer 1906).
Китобой [The Whaler Boy] (Philipp Yuryev - 2020)
Flight Of Four Tu-95MS Over The Neutral Waters Of The Chukchi, Bering and Okhotsk Seas
Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Be
“The typical coastal Huskies of the aboriginal Chukotka” or Chukchi people, and “V
The Mayn RiverA river’s features are best observed from afar, as this image of the Mayn River,
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