thicc thigh goth
reject speciesism
Beefy daddies
cestpasfaux24601:“Perhaps it would be advisable for me to state my reasons for marrying.”
cestpasfaux24601:Francis/Blanky + making each other laugh (◕▿◕✿)
cestpasfaux24601:“I’m going to be unwell, gentlemen. Quite unwell, I expect. And I don’t know for ho
cestpasfaux24601:Francis/Blanky + making each other laugh (◕▿◕✿)
cestpasfaux24601:“Must we be divided? must we part?”“Ay, hand from hand, my love, and heart from hea
cestpasfaux24601:“Are you contented to resign the crown?”
cestpasfaux24601:“There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil”.
cestpasfaux24601: Here he must lie in the halls of his fathers.
cestpasfaux24601: “They’re going to have to cut it a lot higher this time, and that’s only for the t
cestpasfaux24601:“My respect for you, Mr. Holmes, is the only reason you’re still alive.”
cestpasfaux24601:“It’s clear now why the Stephan Goldner Tinned Foods Company was the low bidder.” &
cestpasfaux24601:“I don’t want to see another of these boys lose a piece or a part.”
cestpasfaux24601:“Does one not bring one’s habits to Terror?”
cestpasfaux24601:bonus ~
love-of-the-rings: cestpasfaux24601: `These are not holes,’ said Gimli. `This is the great realm
cestpasfaux24601: (insp)
cestpasfaux24601: Dwarf Week ~ Day 1: favourite male dwarf
cestpasfaux24601:Jared Harris in The Quiet Ones (2014) bonus ~
cestpasfaux24601:“We come to it at last, the great battle of our time.”
cestpasfaux24601:“I’d rather we leave our tents behind and sleep two to a sack like the
cestpasfaux24601:“Let’s not waste any more of one another’s time.We both know how
cestpasfaux24601:“You are the worst kind of second, Francis.”
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