Cannabis Community
koga ogami
The most important thing is to have a great time and be safe!Lembrando que nem todo mundo curte e po
We moved this week! And hit 1000 followers!! Ahhh!!!
I would choose cannabis over alcohol any day!
Grand Junction Colorado - August 3rd OVER 30 VENDORS17 WORKSHOPSFOOD TRUCKS  
Lemon Tree concentrate crystals
A lil tea with my THC
Illustration by Adam Vu Noir
Mega Sherbet Sugar Leaf Cake badder by Nameless Genetics
I normally stick to Green Roads for my CBD edibles but these CBD gummies by the makers of Hemp Bombs
Purple Punch, Mimosa #26, and Strawberry Short Cake all hung and happy!
Some Titan OG live resin crumble by Northern Emeralds
Did you know that there was such thing as a CBD bath bomb? Well now you do!
Some tasty strawberry rosin
Empire Glassworks bee pipe, it’s so beautiful! The lil bees make me smile
Mmmm, sunset sherbet rosin!
A cross between Gelato and Do-Si-Dos by 710 Labs!
I would choose cannabis over alcohol any day!
I am sorry I haven’t been posting much lately, admittedly I have been quite busy! I have a sur
Hemp has so many practical uses that the list seems almost endless! One of my favorites would have t
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