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Choosing to use new pronouns can be a big step in a trans person’s life, as many of us were assigned
Hello Community. We know that this is a high stakes time, and that so many of us are feeling it. In
We’re very excited to tell you about Plume’s collaboration with GoodRx! We’re working together to pr
getplume: What do we mean when we talk about gender dysphoria and euphoria? We broke them down into
Here at Plume, we always want you to feel like you are in control of your gender journey. Visi
Here’s a little information about Testosterone! ✨Testosterone is the cornerstone of testostero
Claiming your identity is a powerful, political act in a culture that wants gender to be simple. The
Although some events are unforeseeable, it’s usually possible to plan ahead. You should keep a
Joy and grief are all parts of any transition. Becoming your most authentic self means letting go of
Your transness is not tied to the decisions you make for your body, you are already beautiful and va
Here’s a little information about Estrogen!Estrogen is a hormone we all naturally make
We believe in gender affirming care for life. That means supporting you through your diverse gender
Gender is an experience and a whole adventure. Nonbinary people come in all shapes, sizes, and expre
Gender transition, coming out, and taking steps to affirm yourself is a journey that any person can
Here at Plume, we hope to provide a safe space for you to come fully as you are, and support you thr
Your transness is not tied to the decisions you make for your body, you are already beautiful and va
Let’s talk about the current state of healthcare for the trans community. While there have bee
Finding a healthcare provider who not only understands transgender people but is also affirming and
Research shows that hormone therapy (often called “HRT”) and gender-affirming care save
What is informed consent? In general, informed consent means that a person is able to understand the
Gender-affirming care is, at its core, exactly what it sounds like – health care that affirms
We are proud to use the informed consent model which is crucial for trans people’s lives a
To us, gender-affirming care means providing trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people with
Both Latine/x Heritage AND LGTBQ+ History Month mean honoring the legacies and resilience of our que
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