deutsch lyrik
episode 34 part 3
codename villanelle
Messier 82 is a starburst galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.A
The galaxy Cygnus A, which played a prominent role in Carl Sagan’s 1985 novel “Contact,&
Space animationCredit: Science Channel
Karl SchwarzschildHe provided the first exact solution to the Einstein field equations of general re
X-ray binary (black hole devouring a star)X-ray binaries are a class of binary stars that are lumino
NGC 6240 is a nearby ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) in the constellation Ophiuchus. The galax
Unusual Signal Suggests Neutron Star Destroyed by Black Hole What created this unusual explosion? Th
The highly distorted supernova remnant shown in this image may contain the most recent black hole fo
Astronomers Capture First Image of a Black Hole!Scientists have obtained the first image of a black
This image shows quasar PG 0052+251, which is 1.4 thousand million light-years from Earth, at the co
Astronomers Detect Matter Falling into Black HoleUniversity of Leicester’s Professor Ken Pounds and
Fast radio burst (FRB)In radio astronomy, a fast radio burst (FRB) is a high-energy astrophysical ph
The collision of two black holes holes—a tremendously powerful event detected for the first time eve
What are Gravitational Waves?Gravitational waves are ‘ripples’ in the fabric of space-ti
The Andromeda Galaxy Is Coming To Get Us!Credit: Science Channel, Watch the video here
Relativistic JetsSuper-massive black holes in the centers of some active galaxies create powerful je
Centaurus A or NGC 5128 is a galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus.The center of the galaxy conta
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