Buffalo Wizards
Professor Justin is head of House Hufflepuff and one of the finest herbology teachers around!
Happy birthday Lord Coestar, and congrats on your acquisition of The Grove!
What Drunkbones wants, Drunkbones gets. Apparently last night what he wanted was NSFW fanart. Enjoy,
Never underestimate the power of a single determined kobold.Or how stupidly dorky they can be.
Well, Rob did ask for ridiculous Tuna Bandits slash fanart…
LoM wallpapers. Yeah, I’ll do the rest of the guys eventually.
Just reposting these from twitter/reddit to have them handy here on tumblr. If you’ve missed t
Nathaniel and Simone - One hell of a leap of faithA brief note on Woolly Elaphelk biology:The large
The Flesh Weaver | URealms Sidequest: The Death of Virgo
Doodles from yesterday’s URLive dev stream.Top: Bennu (”skygyptians”)Second row: Classy feathered di
Only In Dreams - Sunswords campaign
The Black WindAnd now hopefully I can never have to draw anime ever again.
Pirate Prince DeadBones looks like he came straight out of a shoujo manga. Which seems appropriate g
The Book of Prayers to Lord DeadbonesWritten by Squire Lazarus, transcribed by Bakkidza, illustrated
“You’re gonna be fighting lots of elephelks. They’re half-elephant, half-elk, and twice as big as bo
Ca-rell of Danaver
URealms Live sketches: Unseen Rogues campaignThea Mazing, Hat Rats, Neena Brando, and Thea again, tr
ok guys this is Deabie the Lemur and she is very blessed, and also she can totally fly.At age 3, her
Turned @hcjustin‘s hcjSpicy emote into a grafitti spray for Battlegrounds, and it was already
fuck my pen slipped
The Ambush | Snowbold, from The Death of Virgo
scaredykitten: zisteau: “And it’s so easy when you’re evil. This is the life,
Snowbolds are my new favorite. Everything about them is perfect and adorable.
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