checkered nails
michael thomas
Do you listen to podcasts? If so, do you have a favorite podcaster? I’m not sure why I’d only occas
How was your week? I hope it was great! Drum roll: rat-a-tat-tat—my book is published! I say with a
Is there someone who brings out the best in you? How about the worst? There is a person in my life
Do you use LinkedIn? On a recent walk at Alki Beach I was thinking about why I use it. My
Do you listen to podcasts? If so, do you have a favorite podcaster? I’m not sure wh
How do you manage your schedules? On your phone, a printed calendar/diary, or a combination? ️ I&rsq
Do you read paperbacks, eBooks or hardbound books? Right now my hardbound edition is in the works.
Do you have arachnophobia? Halloween is coming & it’s spider season.
Is there someone who brings out the best in you? How about the worst? There is a pe
What happens when a bully grows up? Japanese TV station NHK World is showing a series on bully
How was your week? I hope it was great! Drum roll: rat-a-tat-tat—my book is publish
Do you ever get so immersed in something that everything else ceases to exist? I have a habit of hyp
When did podcasts become so popular? Are you a fan? Do you have a favorite? When I
Do you endlessly ponder your options, or can you make quick decisions? I’m 50/50. 3 weeks ago,
Raise your hand if you’re ready to say hello to 2022! This year, thanks to many of you,
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