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atomic desing
On this day in 1889, Vincent van Gogh mailed this drawing of cypress trees to his brother Theo in or
We’ve all seen the effect of unexpected and uncontrolled encounters between paper and moisture. Whet
Let the Brooklyn Museum be your muse! We love seeing our visitors getting creative and using our bui
Graphite and its mark-making properties were discovered in mid-16th century England—legend has it—wh
Each week the Brooklyn Museum Summer Interns participate in full-day educational programs that explo
One: Titus Kaphar is presented in conjunction with our exhibition Rembrandt to Picasso: Five Centuri
Watercolor is defined as a pigment—mixed with a binder like gum arabic—that dissolves in water. Earl
Before modern paper, small artworks were made on parchment: thin sheets of animal skin treated with
Many European artists in the later nineteenth century began to turn away from the naturalism that ch
By the eighteenth century, Europe was awash in printed images that delighted large, diverse, and eag
To be etched, a polished, metal plate is first coated with a ground—an acid-resistant material
Paper conservators often employ the use of transmitted light during the examination of works on pape
Technical innovations and revivals, creative exploration in all mediums, and a growing market for al
Lithography is a complex, multi-step process that relies on chemical reactions to create a transfera
There is an immediacy and intimacy to works on paper that seems to bring us especially close to an a
Charcoal has been used by artists for tens of thousands of years; the oldest surviving examples are
Leaving a little ink on smooth areas of an etching plate can create tone. More controlled tones requ
Upcoming Shows Through June 2019We’re pleased to announce our advance schedule of exhibitions
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