aaron mcpolin
arya vibes
pink wednesdays
amanda larusso
Sinnoh Pokémon → Luxray, the Gleam Eyes PokémonLuxray (Japanese: レントラー Rentorar)
Sinnoh Pokémon → Luxio, the Spark PokémonLuxio (Japanese: ルクシオ Luxio) is a felin
Sinnoh Pokémon → Shinx, the Flash PokémonShinx (Japanese: コリンク Kolink) is a qua
Sinnoh Pokémon → Kricketune, the Cricket PokémonKricketune (Japanese: コロトック Korot
Sinnoh Pokémon → Kricketot, the Cricket PokémonKricketot (Japanese: コロボーシ Koroboh
Sinnoh Pokémon → Bibarel, the Beaver PokémonBibarel (Japanese: ビーダル Beadaru) is a
Sinnoh Pokémon → Bidoof, the Plump Mouse PokémonBidoof (Japanese: ビッパ Bippa) is a
Sinnoh Pokémon → Staraptor, the Predator PokémonStaraptor (Japanese: ムクホーク Mukuha
Sinnoh Pokémon → Staravia, the Starling PokémonStaravia (Japanese: ムクバード Mukubird
Sinnoh Pokémon → Starly, the Starling PokémonStarly (Japanese: ムックル Mukkuru) is a
Sinnoh Pokémon → Empoleon, the Emperor PokémonEmpoleon (Japanese: エンペルト Emperte)
Sinnoh Pokémon → Prinplup, the Penguin PokémonPrinplup (Japanese: ポッタイシ Pottaishi
Sinnoh Pokémon → Piplup, the Penguin PokémonPiplup (Japanese: ポッチャマ Pochama) is
Sinnoh Pokémon → Infernape, the Flame PokémonInfernape (Japanese: ゴウカザル Gouk
Sinnoh Pokémon → Monferno, the Playful PokémonMonferno (Japanese: モウカザル Moukazar
Sinnoh Pokémon → Chimchar, the Chimp PokémonChimchar (Japanese: ヒコザル Hikozaru) is
Sinnoh Pokémon → Torterra, the Continent PokémonTorterra (Japanese: ドダイトス Dodaito
Sinnoh Pokémon → Grotle, the Grove PokémonGrotle (Japanese: ハヤシガメ Hayashigame)
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